Session Materials


Session 01: Path To College

For many students, going to college is like traveling to a foreign country. The culture and expectations are different from high school and from the way families operate. It can be intimidating, but don’t worry; others are feeling the same way—if they can get through it, you can too. 


Session 02: The Best You Can Be

When it comes to doing high school work, students can be divided into two groups: those who study and those who don’t. Most of success in college comes from good study skills and an understanding of how academic life works, which this chapter is meant to help you gain.


Session 03: You’re Not in It Alone

Whether you are an extrovert who thrives on being around others or an introvert who is exhausted by too much social interaction, college life is likely to connect you to others. Knowing your own personality, thresholds, and needs will help you navigate the human part of college. 


Session 04: Trouble with a Capital T

Any new experience is full of excitement at all the possibilities. It would be great if college life could be full of positive experiences, but if something negative comes along, keeping yourself safe and using all your strength to create the life you want should be a priority.


Session 05: Read All About It

Do you remember when you first learned how to read? You’ve come a long way since then, and to get this far you’ve had to become a pretty good reader.That skill in reading has served you well so far, but to do well in college you have to expand on your reading skills. 


Session 06: In the Classroom

At first it may seem that the major difference between high school and college is that you have so much more freedom. In the academic sphere, the biggest and most invigorating change is in the way you are expected to learn and use information. 


Session 07:
Have a Plan

College is intended to turn you into a self-directed, self-motivated, lifelong learner with a solid understanding of the world. You don’t have to make yourself crazy by becoming hyper-organized. Just do a little planning in advance and get into some good habits.


Session 08: Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3

Much of how you feel about taking tests will come from how you feel about the class, yourself as a student, and your past experiences. But how well you do on the test will come down to how well you have kept up with materials and how effectively you studied.


Session 09:
Write It Up

Like it or not, you’re going to have to write a lot in college—often a research paper, but sometimes a report, lab summary, case study, or presentation. Once you get a writing assignment, it’s all up to you to get it done and hand it in on time. You have to take all the initiative.


Session 10:
Wrap It Up

Often you will be required to make presentations to your class. Having to make a presentation in front of class can be even more intimidating than participating in class discussions. Still, many professors include presentations as part of assignments—they are great preparation for many careers.